Saturday, May 06, 2006

Adios San Pedro

Excerpt from an email I wrote to some people I had met in San Pedro...

"I left this morning and stepped into the pitch dark. There were only the occasional roosters crowing in the background. Nobody around until I reached the INTERSECTION. There she was, Missy all curled up in a ball. She heard me and came by to say good bye. She sat with me at the top of the steps leading down to the dark docks until the first few people showed up. I clambered, shivering, onto the lancha and, with a put-put-put, it took me away from the seduction of San Pedro.

This is how it's done of course. The only way to leave is to be like a thief, wisping along with the stillness. It is this way. Once the energy from the people come to life with the surfacing of the sun, there is no escaping. And hence it is the people of San Pedro that has bound me to the memories that I have made there.

And interesting people there were. Ones I loved. Ones I hated. Ones that smelled bad. Ones that smelled worse. Ones I thought are wierd until I met the ones who are REALLY weird. I had met them all at Jarachik.

Chula, Chiquita, Hyna, belly dancing, solar tubs, 24 hr projectile vomiting (thankfully not mine), happy hours, poker games, destiny tarots, people watching and of course, let us not forget the infamous walk of shame. All equally soul damaging memories.

In closing, I would like to leave a dialogue overheard on one of the streets of this beloved town:
Quieres pan? No, gracias.

Pan de banan? No, gracias.
Pan de canela? No, gracias.
Pan de chocolate? No, gracias.
Pan de... NO! GRACIAS!"

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