Beach 15min walk away from my buddy's house...
After a 30 hour gruelling bus ride from Mazatlan to Tijuana, I made it into the USA. Little luxuries that you don't realize that you miss:
Cops are the good guys.
Cross the street according to the lights, not run when it is kinda safe.
Hot running water with adequete water pressure.
Flushing toilet paper down the toilet.
It's OK to carry your credit card with you - all day.
Clean sidewalks.
People driving in the correct lanes (most of the time).
Cell phones.
This is what happens in bars....
Sigh.......... anyways, I'm visiting a friend here and will probably be back home sometime next week. I've gotta book my tix.
Yay - you made it! (almost)
Who´s the friend? Is it the army guy?:-)
Visit my blog!
Yes, it was the army guy.
Yes, visit your BLOG!!!
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