Saturday, April 08, 2006

Shake your money maker

I'm gonna be in San Pedro for another week at least. I've committed myself to work. It feels weird working after so long of doing whatever the hell I want. My new gig is to teach belly dancing for 1 hour, Monday to Thursday. Man, the stressssssssssssssss.

I didn't think that this idea would have taken off, but I have had several inquiries and there are people interested. It looks like I'll be making at least my rent for last week in one week. No complaints there.

I had 2 rum and cokes yesterday and I didn't feel the alcohol at all. Not a good sign for my wallet. But now that I have a cold, I won't be going anywhere at night. Good, I guess, so that I can rest up for giving lessons. I practiced my lesson plan yesterday and I am sore today... so out of shape. But I can still do it!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the job! So how´s the belly looking? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I danced my belly off! Hahaha! Actually, it didn´t turn out as well as I had hoped it would. I didn't even break even but I had at least one student for every day except for Wednesday. Plus my popularity with the boys improved at least twicefold. :)