Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bogota, Day 4

Going around town with Nataly (3rd ex-roomate). OK. We never really talked in BA. We'd say hello, good-bye, and that's about it. She doesn't speak English and I didn't really speak Spanish. I have to say that I'm extremely proud of myself for talking to her the whole day in Spanish. We went hunting for a Central America guide book in English. I had been looking for this book the whole time I was in Bogota. No luck. She then met up with a friend of hers and we all went for beers. Colombian light beer tastes just about the same as all the other lights beers I've had. It was good, as in it wasn't gross but, I do prefer dark beers.

So, her friends would ask me a question,I'll look confused, Nataly would repeat the question and I would understand. Nataly knows to speak clearly and slowly wheras the guys kinda mumbled. It was kind of funny. And it was good that Nataly and I got to see each other's personality, really for the first time.

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