Saturday, January 28, 2006

Que asco. (How disgusting)

I took a cheap overnight bus to Trujillo. Cheap as in $10 soles cheaper. Trying to watch my spending, I've been opting for less expensive options. Well, I guess some things are meant to be splurged on. I had a window seat. At about 4 am, at one of the stops, I woke up, looked out the window and then down at the window sill beside me. And saw little brown oval insects and a couple cockroaches crawling from my armrest to the window, and all over the window. I sat straight and away form the window for the next 2 hours until I arrived to Trujillo, hoping that the bugs would not crawl into my bags on the floor. I think I will spend the extra $3 CAD for a better bus company from now on.

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