Monday, January 23, 2006

Cusco, Peru Day 3. Sacsayhuaman & Q'enko

I could have walked to the sites. But somehow uphill for 2 km’s in pouring rainn seemed much better in a cab. Armed with both my wimpy umbrella and a bright yellow poncho, this is what I saw:

* Enormous stone city, though not as big as Machu Picchu. The stones ranged from 2' - 8' tall. It took a good 15 mins to walk from one end to the other.

* It looked as if the structure was still in progress although, with the rain, I didn't look too carefully.

*In the middle there was a great field. At least a good football field wide and about 3 long. Across the way were rocks that had been cut.

* The most intriguing thing were the big rocks with squares dug out of them. Like someone made a cookie cutter and sliced into natural rock.

* Right now, there is a caucasion tourist with shaggy hair who has been staring at me for the past 5 mins.

After about 2 hours climbing up and down slippery rock steps, I made my way to Q'enko. This was about 20 mins uphill.

Q'enko is a much smaller site. Most significant were the tunnels in the rocks and carved steps to where the ancients cut more rocks. There were some stone walls but smaller than Sacsayhuaman. This place took about 45 mins to navigate. Thankfully the rain had stopped.

I made my way back to the hostel to read more of the book. It was in English and it's a joy to read again!

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